The Church of the Holy Apostles is a community of faith in the Anglican tradition, reaching up in worship to the Lord, reaching in to bring growth and wholeness to our members, and reaching out with the the gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the needs of our community.  

In accordance with this mission Holy Apostles provides a place of peaceful sanctuary and prayer for those seeking the knowledge and the love of God and His son Jesus Christ. Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.  (Matthew 11:28) 

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you will find that Holy Apostles welcomes all for our Sunday services of prayer and thanksgiving.  All baptized Christians of any denomination are welcome at The Lord's Table to take Holy Communion; those who are not baptized are welcomed to the table to receive a blessing from our priest: Pray

The congregation of Holy Apostles understands that all people are in different stages of the knowledge of God, His son Jesus Christ, and The Bible.  Those who wish to learn more about the Christian Faith, Biblical Scripture, or Healing through Christ are welcome to attend  the Sunday School and weekly Bible Study classes offered for Adults and Children.  For a complete list of our classes click the following link: Learn

As is often said by our bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, "Jesus never told the world to go to church.  He did, however, tell the church to go into the world." So too many members of Holy Apostles' Congregation have felt called to serve different segments of our community including at risk children, the elderly, the incarcerated, and the hungry. If you wish to donate your time, talents, or other resources please click the following link for more information:  Practice

"O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgement, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldest have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in thy light we may see light, and in thy straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."  The Book of Common Prayer, Prayer 58.